

HR Policy Development

The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority has formulated and ratified a comprehensive Human Resources Policy to institutionalize talent management best practices within the organization. This statutory framework, along with supporting career guidelines and HR process manuals, will enable consistent, evidence-based people management decisions on aspects like recruitment, development, retention and succession planning. By codifying HR protocols, ENNDA aims to mitigate key person dependencies, align talent to strategic needs, and foster a high-performance culture of transparency and meritocracy. Change management efforts are underway to secure employee buy-in as ENNDA looks to match international standards in professionalized human capital governance.

RDA Policy

The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority (ENNDA) contributed its grassroots development expertise in formulating the national Regional Development Authority (RDA) Policy, developed in conjunction with peer agencies and the Ministry of East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development. This statutory framework, now awaiting Cabinet ratification, will provide standardized operating protocols and strategic alignment across all RDAs. By participating in the co-creation process, ENNDA helped shape governance mechanisms for enabling One Government coordination, resource pooling, and synchronized reporting across RDAs to expedite equitable national growth. Once ratified, ENNDA will align its localized activities to conform with the charter and principles enshrined in the RDA Policy while harnessing opportunities for greater inter-agency collaboration.


    The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority, in conjunction with Parliament, recently organized a public participation exercise in Isiolo County on the proposed Regional Development Authorities (RDA) Act which is currently in its third reading in the National Assembly.

    The legislation intends to align the functions and powers of RDAs with Kenya’s Constitutional framework governing devolved governance and public finance. Once passed, the RDA Act will confer statutory backing to strengthen RDAs’ legal mandates around planning, budgeting, and execution of localized development programs.


      The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority attained a commendable “Very Good” rating of 2.9787 on its Performance Contract for the 2022-2023 financial year – highlighting management’s commitment to efficient service delivery across agreed development targets. Sustaining executional excellence positions the Authority amongst the upper echelon of public agencies on tracked performance milestones. As management incorporates emergent Basin needs into future result matrices, ENNDA aims to maintain delivery relevance while targeting upward KPI trajectories underscoring its development mandate.

      Corruption prevention

      To strengthen ethical governance, the Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority has instituted a Board-level Corruption Prevention Committee and whistleblowing systems. This high-level focus will formulate anti-graft policies, strengthen transparency procedures, ensure ethics code compliance, and institutionalize confidential reporting mechanisms – collectively upholding integrity around the Authority’s regional infrastructure delivery. By prioritizing good governance strategies centered on detection and prevention, ENNDA aims to sustain stakeholder trust in prudent programs benefitting Basin communities.

        Proposal Development

        The Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority has undertaken project development work to structure three priority proposals for accelerating industrial-led growth in the region:

        1. Leather Factory: A modern integrated leather tannery and production facility (5000 tons daily capacity) to harness abundant local livestock resources and build downstream manufacturing capabilities. 
        2. ENNDA Plaza: An ultra-modern commercial complex offering Grade A amenities to emerging industries and institutional agencies setting base in the region.
        3. Cement Factory: A regional cement manufacturing plant to serve local infrastructure demands through import substitution while incubating a new value-add materials subsector.
        4. Multipurpose Dam – This is meant to provide domestic water, irrigation, hydro-electric power generation facility and regulate the river flow throughout the year.

        These strategic projects hold transformational potential for catalyzing upstream and downstream economic activity if approved for joint venture partnerships, foreign direct investment and onward submission to the Public Private Partnerships Unit. Their realization will bolster enterprise, export strengths and employment – propelling the Basin economy towards industrial growth.