Frequently asked questions

What is ENNDA’s mandate?

The Authority’s mandate is to plan, co-ordinate and implement development projects and programmes, in the Ewaso Ng’iro North basin and catchment areas.

Who owns ENNDA?

Ennda is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament.

What projects is Ennda implementing in the region?

ENNDA is implementing two broad projects falling into four different sectors. Namely:

  • Basin wide catchment conservation and rehabilitation under which we carry out river, riparian conservation in the two water towers within the basin (Mt. Kenya and Aberdare) and along the major tributaries of the Ewaso Ng’iro river.
  • ENNDA carries out integrated gums and resins processing and value addition programme where we are carry out the construction of a state of the art processing factory, collection, sorting and grading centers in strategic areas, mapping of Gums and resins resources in the seven counties within the basin.
  • ENNDA undertakes projects under drought emergency and flood mitigation involving mega water pans and medium scale dams.
  • Implement, integrated multi-sectoral, multi-purpose project and programmes for Counties falling within the basin. E.g Water, wind and other natural resources.

How does ENNDA identify projects to implement?

ENNDA identifies its project and programmes through community participation which involves Community Participatory Action Plan (CAPs) which are carried out from request brought to the Authority by varies stakeholders.

How does ENNDA get funding for its activities?

ENNDA is financed by the government of Kenya through the Ministry of National Treasury and Economic Planning. Additionally, ENNDA conducts resource mobilization by establishing partnerships with development partners

Where do I get information about tenders?

Visit ENNDA website and check the section under tenders

Does ENNDA offer internships, scholarships and bursaries?

ENNDA offers internship to student how have completed their basic degree in partnership with Public Service Commission and attachment to student whose studies are still going on.

Does ENNDA offer grants to community groups?

We do not offer grants but we can carry out capacity building in our project locations

What is the difference between ENNDA’s mandate and those of the Counties?

ENNDA plan and coordinate for basin based activities and resources which are not a respecter to administrative boundaries.

How does ENNDA support community groups at the county level?

Through capacity building and sometimes provide necessary tools and equipment to enable them to undertake their activities.

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